
Jul 16, 2024

Job Lists, Unsuccessful Emails and More

Users on the 'Recruiter' tier can now create and share 'Job Lists' with candidates. This allows recruiters to curate a list of related jobs e.g. 'Product Design Jobs' or a list of jobs for a specific candidate. Candidates can then easily view all of the jobs and apply.

Unsuccessful Emails

Referrers can now enable a feature that sends an email to candidate's if their application is updated to unsuccessful. To enable this feature head to 'Account' and then 'Candidates'.


  • Bounced Email Notification - If an interview email sent to a candidate bounces, both Hirechain and referrers are now notified on the referral.
  • Job Search Improvements - We've improved the search feature on the job board.
  • 'Review' View - The 'Review' view is now the default when viewing your referrals.
Jul 3, 2024

Simplified Wallet Connection

We've simplified and improved our wallet connection feature so that it is easier for referrers to connect and verify a new wallet. We've also been working hard on improving our own and client tooling to handle more jobs, referrers and referrals.


  • 'Push to Telegram' so that clients can review candidates in Telegram
  • Improvements to our partner review system
  • Improvements to our queue system so that the app can process more tasks
Jun 19, 2024

Autofill from Resume

The referral forms now feature an autofill option which looks at the candidate's resume and fills in any readily available information such as their email address, LinkedIn URL, location and more.


  • High Priority Jobs → 🔥 Hot Jobs
  • Improvement: Statistics and rankings on Referrer Profiles
  • 40+ bugs and minor improvements
Jun 4, 2024

High Priority Jobs

Jobs are now sorted by high priority to low priority on the job board. We calculate priority using the client's responsiveness and the number of candidates in process to help you decide which jobs to work on. We'll also occasionally flag specific jobs as 'High Priority' to if the client needs more candidates quickly.

  • Referral Page Improvements: We've tidied up and reorganised the referral page to put the important information front and centre.
  • Daily Digest Emails: You can now opt to receive new job alert emails once per day instead of immediately.
  • Performance Improvements: The job board and job pages should load much faster now. This update also applies to the shareable referral links that candidates use to apply for jobs.
May 21, 2024

Job Insights and Referral Search

Job Insights

Referrers now have more visibility of the hiring process and can see when the hirer was last active and how many candidates are in review or interview.

Referral Search & Filters

We have improved the search and filters referrers have when viewing their own referrals. This should help those who are managing lots of referrals in particular.

May 8, 2024

Miscellaneous Updates

  • Lots of updates to internal tooling to help us handle more referrers and referrals
  • Lots of minor bug and UX improvements
  • Improved location settings for jobs

More exciting updates coming in the next release.

Apr 24, 2024

Inbox, Hirechain Pass and More

Meet Inbox

We've improved our Notifications architecture and created Inbox, a page where you can see all of your referral updates, job updates and now, any referrals you need to review.

Status: Hirechain Pass

This status is a neutral alternative to 'Hirechain Rejected' which has been updated to issue a -1 credit penalty to the referrer. Hirechain Pass should be used when you want to pass on the candidate if they are not quite right, but you do not want to penalise the referrer.

Candidate Updates

Candidates can now opt out of Hirechain and provide a reason when they request to withdraw their application.

Apr 9, 2024

Our new home on

As you may have noticed we have moved our marketing website, app and emails from to Everything should be redirecting and working as normal but please do let us know if you spot any bugs or have any problems.

Miscellaneous Updates

  • Lots of improvements to internal tooling to help us manage more referrals and referrers
  • Minor UX improvements to client's arrange interview flow
Mar 4, 2024

Referrer Performance and Tiers

Referrer Performance

Referrers can now see an overview of their performance and ranking amongst all referrers on Hirechain. These metrics are a strong indicator of a referrers reputation and will be used to decide which tier is most appropriate.

Referrer Tiers

While Hirechain supports both casual referrers and recruiters, we realise that recruiters likely need more of our time and may have questions about the role or hiring process. On top of this we need a way to reduce the impact of poor referrals while increasing the impact of good ones. To accomplish this we have introduced the three following tiers which will be assigned based on your performance and reputation:

Referrer: The default tier for new and casual referrers.

Recruiter: Reserved for professional recruiters and the top performing referrers who actively help Hirechain manage the hiring and interview process. Includes access to higher bounties, office hours and new features.

Restricted: Referrers who repeatedly refer unsuitable candidates will now receive a warning before having their account restricted. This gives you access to an earned bounties but prevents you from creating new referrals.


  • Authentication improvements
  • Improved visibility of job status
  • Improved UI: contrast, readability and responsiveness
Jan 30, 2024

Miscellaneous Updates

  • Improved metrics on the Dashboard
  • UX improvements to payments
  • Hirechain Bot created to communicate some of the more non-obvious updates to users
  • Responsiveness improvements
Jan 18, 2024

Payments, Job Alerts and More


You can now view your scheduled, completed and cancelled bounty payments. Simply click on 'Payments' in the menu.

Job Alerts and Email Updates

With your new notification settings you can now: 

  • Enable new job alert emails (including custom filters)
  • Enable referral update emails
  • Customise which jobs you receive job updates and comment notifications on

To access these controls click on 'Account' in the menu and then 'Notifications'.

Improved Forms

We've updated all of the referral forms to a one page layout allowing referrers to more easily navigate the questions and craft your referrals. The same is also true for candidates applying via referrers' shareable links.

Slack Updates

We've launched the first version of our Slack Bot which allows us to push new candidates to clients in Slack. We're hoping this update is going to help us handle more referrals and increase the speed of which we get feedback back to referrers.

Dec 19, 2023

Job Alerts and Notifications

Job Alerts and Notification Settings are now in beta. If you are a beta user you can head to your Account and then access the new ‘Notifications’ tab to create custom job alerts and update your email settings. Please let us know if you have any feedback or issues.

Job Improvements

We’ve added some new dedicated sections to the jobs including: Compensation & Package, Interview Steps and Ideal Candidate. These will be populated on new jobs moving forward giving you more information when sourcing and talking with candidates.

Help Center

We’ve updated our Help Center and documentation to make it easier to navigate and also, ask questions. Simply search or ask it a question and it will generate an answer based on our documentation. Please let us know if you have any feedback or issues.

Dec 7, 2023


Placements and payments are now in beta. The Hirechain team will be testing and backfilling placed candidates so that referrers can see which payments have been made and soon when they can expect to receive future payments. If you are a beta user you will see the Payments page soon. If you experience any problems or have feedback, please get in touch.

Nov 21, 2023

Miscellaneous Updates

  • Improved candidate application page. This page now displays a status and more information about the referrer.
  • Page speed improvements
  • Referrer review process improved
  • Several new statuses added to better manage referrals and bounty eligibility
Oct 16, 2023

Hiring Criteria Questions

New referrals and applications now require users to explain - with examples - how the candidate meets the hiring criteria for a job. This criteria is agreed with our clients and is the minimum requirements a candidate must meet in order to be considered for the job. Please take your time and answer these questions properly as it will significantly improve your candidates chances.

Sep 27, 2023

Job Updates and Comments

Sometimes job requirements change and adapt over time and instead of simply amending the job description we needed a way to highlight and communicate these changes quickly to referrers. So if hiring is paused, the job is filled or the requirements change, we will be able to communicate this quickly to our network of referrers. To find them in app visit the Notifications page and select 'Jobs'.

Sep 5, 2023

Wallet Connect

Referrers can now connect their crypto wallets to Hirechain. These wallet addresses will be used to distribute bounties and other payments to eligible referrers. To ensure you get paid on time please connect your Wallet in your Account today.